Tournament - 1v1 Tier X Friday Night 10PM CDT - N°2

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: March 22, 2024; Accepted Teams: 59 (Total: 60)
Map: Himmelsdorf
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: March 22, 2024
Average WN8: 1,512
Total: 59
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
9,916 53% 3,652
riseglory [FINES] nomnomnom
39,669 59% 3,134
66,006 58% 3,027
Imponderable [GO4T] imponderable
10,638 61% 3,006
Snofeet [CLBBR] Yeet Motorsports
7,239 56% 2,550
wofofo [FXNES] qweq
5,549 56% 2,535
TN_gamer [US_GM] b,jjmg
6,896 56% 2,526
Glacial_Guy [A-I] gold
28,631 56% 2,474
kat__o7GuoDynasty [FINES] aseasdasd
26,673 57% 2,436
Slimm_17 [OLDMN] OLDMN
10,517 51% 2,290
InfiniteSingularity [FNWG] Blackalicious
71,472 56% 2,282
jackal126 [NEWBI] The cooch punchers
50,193 55% 2,184
milqui [-BAN-] La Cura
50,094 56% 2,125
DestroiGumms [COTER] DestroiGumms
11,983 50% 1,960
Tiger_SOBR [OXYGN] War Tiger
90,011 57% 1,938
NK_YourGod [HAVOK] WOT - Play For Free
47,279 54% 1,916
GrimReaperSteel [YRMUM] OppaiLyfe
27,752 53% 1,887
Christianoxxz [JALAP] messi
49,692 53% 1,817
14Bots [HSH] Proyekt 115
16,160 53% 1,803
Skalyz_1993 [4HIM] Fear Me Little Sheep
11,234 51% 1,757
Raltahook [SRB] Cone
32,680 51% 1,668
Drunk_Cook [O-VER] Messy Kitchen
11,741 53% 1,666
amerikos [MAZUT] ruon
37,255 54% 1,630
tmbrust2001 [TECH] The_Regulator
22,335 54% 1,622
SHo7ING_STARS [X-7] rfdnjdcnmm
59,226 52% 1,550
roadmap2 [DEVLZ] sweet victory
124,812 51% 1,529
sm23 [DEVLZ] sm23
42,296 50% 1,495
Memoxxz [JALAP] LBZA
38,021 51% 1,486
Tinchoxxx [_BST_] dejameganarortiba
80,736 51% 1,466
_Tayloo [CZ4R] .__.
29,561 50% 1,464
vanoss101 Your Mom
30,863 50% 1,308
28,964 50% 1,288
FIERROLOCO [ANACO] Vivamus, Moriendum E
26,072 49% 1,287
36,253 48% 1,286
conkerror conkerror
17,511 51% 1,258
Nupetiet [ARMUR] Pigna Anual D-Jeiter
51,193 51% 1,205
nippurcamp [AA-A] cria de plaga
53,829 51% 1,183
Dryu_j0s [FOX-S] Inmancos
13,757 49% 1,183
kaszas009 [HUBA] Coca-Cola
34,847 49% 1,169
oufa_g [CLAST] zabi
64,663 50% 1,114
tankitytanktank3 [BTU-A] ttt3
85,874 48% 1,095
Warrior_Uru21 GataFlora_2024
16,424 47% 1,073
pancho132 [H_D_D] Conquistador 777
13,987 49% 1,053
juanjo97 CABA
16,919 48% 1,018
88,447 48% 947
107,444 47% 902
SgtSupply990 [MLGR] MID LFE Gamer
17,976 47% 850
mr_von [B-B-T] go war thunder
90,542 49% 846
tlaswell0911 [_1ST_] HOLYMOLEED
50,572 49% 832
ROBC607 ohio dawgpound
74,672 47% 773
Total: 59

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