Tournament - 2v2: Weekday Scuffle

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: October 10, 2023; Accepted Teams: 35 (Total: 53)
Map: Himmelsdorf
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: October 10, 2023
Average WN8: 1,524
Total: 70
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
Lichta__ [SIMP] memeteam
17,490 63% 3,922
_El_Pibe_Cantina_ [L4ST] LosPibardos
5,981 57% 3,596
pspps [OFM-] Supremacy
4,776 60% 3,432
RedBullba [NEWBI] Alpha Group
63,466 58% 2,960
L0rdB0b [HARM] Supremacy
8,374 56% 2,938
ll_Kirito_ll [ALFA1] ___x_X
584 57% 2,845
3,508 56% 2,840
Blade_the_Selachii [KUFU] O.S.F.
54,072 58% 2,659
Admiralbone [RELIC] SteelHunters
25,151 55% 2,650
Jetrecto [LOAD] Monjour
41,062 56% 2,585
Shadow__xXx [CRAKD] ___x_X
47,590 60% 2,584
AlejitoCoL_ [X-7] LIBRE ACCESO
5,236 58% 2,368
jiaduobaoganwanglaoji [NEWBI] Jiaduobao Again?
39,866 56% 2,312
TKingTiger [NEWBI] Letspunchsomecooch
28,453 54% 2,282
kainter [0B_B0] gee gee
21,196 54% 2,227
Lawson_Silverspar [NUFFS] Jiaduobao Again?
2,072 57% 2,205
_P3P4__0_0ll [L4ST] LosPibardos
1,632 57% 2,133
_Caveman__ [NEWBI] Life in the Big City
107,710 54% 2,130
Krown [NEWBI] Life in the Big City
23,602 57% 2,127
jackal126 [NEWBI] The cooch punchers
48,299 55% 2,104
TRON_vix [NEWBI] Letspunchsomecooch
39,431 58% 2,088
XXX_x_sniper_x_XXX [B34RS] (LOS_VENECOS_999)
19,002 55% 2,014
AsTiger117 [OFM-] Phineas y Ferb
30,089 55% 2,009
Sparky5000 [SIMP] memeteam
24,087 57% 1,988
Tiger_SOBR [NEWBI] Alpha Group
89,014 57% 1,933
BiggusSniffus [BMP] trash
14,441 51% 1,930
DestroiGumms [COTER] Coter
10,729 50% 1,912
alex_the_snowflake [-ZOO-] The cooch punchers
72,868 53% 1,894
war_cant_pen_shots [TEACH] trash
22,551 53% 1,833
jemrl001 [-907-] jeme
62,681 52% 1,691
El_Ottomano [T_K_O] Loll
17,342 52% 1,681
theblackeagle [0B_B0] gee gee
71,410 52% 1,673
Derperino SteelHunters
15,194 53% 1,626
abigor_1994 jeme
32,369 51% 1,557
yeisonstiven [DOREK] Loll
38,976 50% 1,551
VicRazor [B_T_T] B_T_T
16,886 50% 1,493
KanKann [SAB3R] Boomer slayers
61,383 50% 1,418
USMC_WheelchairWarrior [LOAD] Monjour
1,908 52% 1,396
dontki [COTER] Coter
16,021 49% 1,394
json28672 [B-B-T] hehe
253 56% 1,365
Cargol_3 [COTER] Fast
9,205 47% 1,327
Louison_Bobet_B [_AM_] O.S.F.
74,246 51% 1,284
bezerra23 [FEBRA] BrigadaX
3,526 45% 1,273
chaos12721 [B_B] The Kiwis
6,506 49% 1,190
70386594 [4444] wolfs
7,856 48% 1,179
panoo [OFM-] Phineas y Ferb
35,637 49% 1,130
xEdersonx The end
55,563 49% 1,127
Tank_Assasin_08 [C00L] Kool Kidz Klub
6,587 48% 1,075
ShadowYeti [C00L] Kool Kidz Klub
7,751 46% 1,070
Fury59 [COTER] Fast
22,526 49% 1,069
Total: 70

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