The Grand Finals Countdown

Team 2 guys and a TD

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Winrate: 36%
Draws/Losses 64%
Games played: 45
Points Earned: 48 / 135 (36%)
Group Stage Rank


Monday April 20, 2015 Show/Hide Group Standings
09:08pm 2 guys and a TD
  0 : 4
  big gods carry me pl...
09:21pm 2 guys and a TD
  0 : 5
  That Europe Referenc...
09:34pm 2 guys and a TD
  0 : 5
09:47pm 2 guys and a TD
  0 : 5
  The Dogs of War
10:00pm 2 guys and a TD
  0 : 4
  Halibut The Fine Fun...
10:13pm -VDP-
  1 : 4
  2 guys and a TD
10:26pm 49LSD FTW
  0 : 4
  2 guys and a TD
10:39pm Clueless 2
  1 : 4
  2 guys and a TD
10:52pm WG1SU_Core
  0 : 4
  2 guys and a TD
Tuesday April 21, 2015 Show/Hide Group Standings
09:05pm LosBronze
  1 : 4
  2 guys and a TD
09:18pm 2 guys and a TD
  0 : 4
09:31pm 2 guys and a TD
  0 : 4
09:44pm 2 guys and a TD
  1 : 4
09:57pm 2 guys and a TD
  0 : 5
10:10pm 2 guys and a TD
  1 : 4
  Death Squad
10:23pm Rus2Hardware
  1 : 4
  2 guys and a TD
10:36pm In Obscuro
  1 : 4
  2 guys and a TD
10:49pm 323rd CR
  1 : 4
  2 guys and a TD
Wednesday April 22, 2015 Show/Hide Group Standings
09:01pm 2 guys and a TD
  1 : 4
  Bullet Monkeys A Tea...
09:14pm 2 guys and a TD
  0 : 4
09:27pm 2 guys and a TD
  0 : 5
  The Baddie Brigade
09:40pm 2 guys and a TD
  0 : 5
  Verde squared
09:53pm 2 guys and a TD
  0 : 4
10:06pm Xcal noobs
  0 : 4
  2 guys and a TD
10:19pm pwnage squad
  1 : 4
  2 guys and a TD
10:32pm Stronk Tenks
  1 : 4
  2 guys and a TD
10:45pm 23BTL team PRO
  1 : 4
  2 guys and a TD
Thursday April 23, 2015 Show/Hide Group Standings
09:04pm Ballistic Potato
  0 : 4
  2 guys and a TD
09:17pm ARBUN
  0 : 4
  2 guys and a TD
09:30pm Gooey and the Funsee...
  1 : 4
  2 guys and a TD
09:43pm 7o Limp Arm
  0 : 4
  2 guys and a TD
09:56pm 2 guys and a TD
  0 : 5
10:09pm 2 guys and a TD
  1 : 5
  Taz Devils
10:22pm 2 guys and a TD
  0 : 4
10:35pm 2 guys and a TD
  0 : 5
  omg de vuelta xd
10:48pm 2 guys and a TD
  1 : 4
Friday April 24, 2015 Show/Hide Group Standings
09:07pm _PYMP
  1 : 4
  2 guys and a TD
09:20pm RSG
  0 : 4
  2 guys and a TD
09:33pm Kingturkispoo
  1 : 4
  2 guys and a TD
09:46pm Exalted
  0 : 4
  2 guys and a TD
09:59pm No Fks Gaming
  1 : 4
  2 guys and a TD
10:12pm 2nd armored hell on ...
  0 : 4
  2 guys and a TD
10:25pm =^.^= TOGILIM =^.^...
  1 : 4
  2 guys and a TD
10:38pm _TSA_
  0 : 4
  2 guys and a TD
  0 : 4
  2 guys and a TD
Player WN8
Marcuscolenious [323RD]
WR: 47.7% of 6,755
ty7769 [323RD]
WR: 48.68% of 7,935
OldManHands74 [323RD]
WR: 48.87% of 7,121
georgeonik [323RD]
WR: 39.53% of 3,033
4 Players
Average WR: 46.19% of 6,211
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