Tournament - Weekly 5v5 February 6 - 10

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: February 06, 2017; Accepted Teams: 149 (Total: 258)
Map: Ensk
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: February 06, 2017
Average WN8: 1,085
Total: 982
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
Archeology [ROX] Letterkenny Vikings
761 61% 4,413
Petro__Sahaidachny КОЗАКИ
34 71% 4,291
Black_Gun_Doge [MAHOU] XJBD
3,081 62% 3,590
BookHorse [NEET] Terrible Game
1,171 57% 3,367
Whipple_xD [SNEKS] Letterkenny Vikings
1,555 65% 3,342
Mad_Bullerman [VILIN] Bob Saget
38,306 61% 3,239
Ultimate_Xvm_Camo [_FAM_] Stale Memes
6 83% 3,198
AIIusion [SNEKS] Letterkenny Vikings
2,836 60% 3,182
Hueno [R-R-R] XJBD
18,386 65% 3,157
BigJuicyBear98 geegees
12,354 60% 3,078
George412305 [SNEKS] geegees
13,396 58% 3,063
_Monkeys_ [_FAM_] Stale Memes
7,577 63% 3,029
Neitx [WILDH] YeeTeam
20,923 58% 2,757
CapnMyCapn [HACKD] The Zerg
13,742 62% 2,725
WuMiaoKing [NEWBI] The Worst
27,775 62% 2,684
thatzCLASSIFIED [GROOT] Wicked Monks
23,744 59% 2,669
valoxa [BULBA] FAME
55,092 61% 2,662
10,133 61% 2,650
xXFoch_CommanderSamaXx Terrible Game
17,400 59% 2,634
17,151 65% 2,595
Sp00kyScaryKitKat__o7o7 [SNEKS] Letterkenny Vikings
39,961 59% 2,590
Drlickalot [M0] Just Chillin' Yo
19,062 57% 2,585
Cold_Stream [-G-] Phoenix
26,877 58% 2,580
Mailai [MAHOU] <:^)
20,409 58% 2,579
aperson2 [HACKD] The Zerg
25,248 57% 2,578
_1969Mustang_ [_FAM_] Stale Memes
28,250 57% 2,572
poisonousblood [HACKD] The Zerg
53,522 57% 2,557
DoctorJLee Bob Saget
17,740 61% 2,519
_wikkid [SNEKS] Letterkenny Vikings
31,309 56% 2,516
22,962 57% 2,495
C4oZ [G-E-L] 9 /11 Pm Lunes 6
33,127 57% 2,480
D4rkz [WILDH] Plomeros
25,736 59% 2,463
TastyPastry [VILIN] Bob Saget
18,555 57% 2,440
CptBastidas 9 /11 Pm Lunes 6
10,538 57% 2,439
Ryszard_ [FMLY] FAME
9,212 59% 2,429
29,099 56% 2,416
IterativeHail27 [_FAM_] Stale Memes
20,608 58% 2,415
Naviros [STAKD] ninja turtles
30,172 59% 2,401
HuntDean [STAKD] ninja turtles
26,595 58% 2,372
Unsavory [FUZN] Tu Madre
47,925 55% 2,368
Xx_DComikazie_xX [T_K_O] _f-off_
1,269 60% 2,352
Bogdan__Khmelnitskiy [UA-TD] КОЗАКИ
1,123 61% 2,348
TenekiOniichan [TANAR] Unicorns Of Love
1,610 48% 2,334
zethell1 [THUGZ] iplay
12,031 57% 2,309
FreezingBlizzard [VILIN] Bob Saget
21,626 57% 2,299
enjineer [HACKD] The Zerg
39,038 57% 2,287
Her_Magestys_Royal_Kiwi [WONKA] ~ Carve
7,606 57% 2,272
31,966 55% 2,253
HistoryGuru FAME
35,607 62% 2,252
AnnaVonStauffenberg [MAHOU] <:^)
19,780 55% 2,250
Total: 982

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