Tournament - 2v2 Tier VIII 8PM CDT - N°17

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: July 01, 2024; Accepted Teams: 34 (Total: 46)
Map: Prokhorovka
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: July 01, 2024
Average WN8: 1,649
Total: 68
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
__Konrad [GROOT] бесплатное золото
10,347 62% 4,896
P3QU3 [GROOT] бесплатное золото
12,608 60% 4,661
___Perfect [UHM] Sekigan
924 64% 3,919
Baby_xTzuyuxAkame [GOONZ] I need gold, thanks!
21,233 62% 3,132
Sp0rt1kK_ [OXYGN] easy_boost
5,490 61% 3,077
RedBullba [OXYGN] Alpha Group
68,083 58% 3,050
MudPuppyMF_Savage [SIGNO] trollRus
13,646 54% 2,872
Sunshine_Boost easy_boost
48 58% 2,728
_Luckygamer [SIGH] no.I dont wanna
7,149 58% 2,716
iAvroraUA [FOXIE] хуху
187 58% 2,576
Shadow__xXx [X-7] ___x_X
47,612 60% 2,561
Jedidieugh [GIVUP] inhuman reactions
34,710 58% 2,522
YoYo_Pudding [BITC] BL10
29,979 60% 2,468
TKingTiger [NUFFS] Letspunchsomecooch
30,278 55% 2,390
SEALCLUB3R [OXYGN] I need gold, thanks!
51,065 59% 2,348
jackal126 [NUFFS] The cooch punchers
52,519 55% 2,275
boxout19_ [JUAN] Juany Boys
11,989 55% 2,243
m1_brain_cell [MIDTR] smile :)
22,640 56% 2,231
LosCobosTV_D [-TRD-] loscobostv
69,894 57% 2,224
LightningFinn [SUS] inhuman reactions
5,391 55% 2,209
TRON_vix [WII] Letspunchsomecooch
39,704 58% 2,029
Djgaming740 [-KWH-] For the boys!
11,336 53% 2,002
BananaTerracotta [JUAN] Juany Boys
24,582 53% 1,998
sanlitros loscobostv
52,566 56% 1,962
italy84 [BITC] BL10
51,805 57% 1,952
alex_the_snowflake [-ZOO-] The cooch punchers
75,648 54% 1,937
NewSeyfer [P1GS] poles
32,713 53% 1,917
Tiger_SOBR [OXYGN] Alpha Group
91,324 57% 1,913
BorgGoesBrrr [MIDTR] smile :)
36,598 53% 1,841
61,072 52% 1,772
dmytro_kravchuk хуху
578 59% 1,738
_Killer_Of_Gods_ [X-7] GGNOEZ
36,228 53% 1,734
Raposa_doida_95 [KVERA] KVERA
24,952 49% 1,633
Skrooll [X-7] GGNOEZ
29,418 52% 1,594
Sygogglen [IMT] no.I dont wanna
1,670 55% 1,587
yeisonstiven [RED-F] ___x_X
41,137 50% 1,561
Lightsaber11 [ROLLS] Rollin
86,095 52% 1,515
8,705 54% 1,504
Jandle [OXIDE] Sekigan
17,427 52% 1,480
_PANDAH_ [GOLE] Panda Bolado
8,076 48% 1,342
Die_Dampfwalze [RQNIN] trollRus
24,338 50% 1,257
sandro1244 [-ELS-] Fett Schwer
34,156 45% 1,237
marlonPOL [GOLE] Panda Bolado
23,968 48% 1,180
sketch7 [ROLLS] Rollin
33,558 50% 1,159
Diego_Chian_Jacinto [TRIB9] FV4005 not allowed
1,448 39% 1,128
20,256 46% 1,105
Ewuar0 [MS999] diabloquedificil
12,735 48% 1,100
Hunted_Sin [A41] GL HF
212 52% 1,086
Canadian_Warlord [-BTU-] Win some gold please
122,716 49% 998
Slowandsteady [-VETS] -Vets
30,003 50% 983
Total: 68

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