W A R M A C H I N E Statistics [W-M]

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Average WN8
Recent WN8
Average Win Rate
Average Battles
Total Battles


Total: 10
Nick Name Battles Win Rate WN8 Recent Win Rate Recent WN8 Last Battle
SouthKingGamer [W-M] 1,968 64% 3,544 66% 3,190 September 20, 2024 @ 12:48 am
Pao_sem_ovo [W-M] 1,816 62% 2,860 62% 2,860 August 23, 2024 @ 5:06 pm
_Mount [W-M] 608 64% 2,639 63% 2,482 September 24, 2024 @ 9:53 pm
Blackk_PantheR [W-M] 18,700 47% 1,285 49% 1,116 September 25, 2024 @ 3:22 pm
_TheJungleMonkey_ [W-M] 2,224 52% 1,212 52% 1,212 September 06, 2024 @ 9:42 pm
DSE_Mundo [W-M] 16,467 44% 1,113 45% 1,711 September 09, 2024 @ 7:58 pm
WishingToast986 [W-M] 4,503 50% 885 50% 885 July 04, 2024 @ 7:31 am
Frangamer_2009_arg [W-M] 9,355 49% 836 49% 836 June 15, 2024 @ 8:04 pm
migueL_SOVIET [W-M] 11,757 47% 752 47% 752 September 26, 2024 @ 2:21 pm
Martinf_1 [W-M] 8,916 46% 416 46% 416 September 08, 2024 @ 9:41 pm
Total: 10

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